Top 5 Features I Love - WorkGuru
It has been great supporting a range of businesses make the move to lately.
Here are my top 5 features I love about WorkGuru, that make it different to other platforms.
1. Customisable Dashboard
Yes, you can choose the widgets you see on your dashboard! This is a game changer for having a bird’s eye view on the most important things to YOUR ROLE in the business - owner, project manager, procurement etc. Massive fan.
2. Profit Widget Project Dashboard
Being able to see, at a glance, within projects how you're tracking across the main financial changer. While detail reports are great, having the top level visibility is ace.
3. Kiosk Option
This is the handiest thing for workshops that have many people sharing a device to log time and materials. Simple. Accessible. Gets the info on the job in real time.
4. Quote Acceptance Workflow
I have been LOVING implementing this workflow in my own business - send quote with terms, with an e-sign link, automatic project creation with signed files attached. AUTOMAGIC!
5. Invoice Options
The flexibility of % forecast, fixed price, T&M or a mix or a few is brilliant.