Case Study: Focus Engineering Consultants x Projectworks 

Focus Engineering Consultants x Projectworks

About Focus Engineering Consultants

Focus Engineering is a team of highly qualified engineers and technicians who share a passion for detail, accuracy and accountability. Focus consultants are building a solid reputation for the dependability and quality of their work across all facets of structural engineering and a diverse range of projects across the Wellington region and wider areas.

Focus Engineering has a reasonably simply business model that has two main types of projects – fixed fee, and charge up. They follow a structured timesheet, expense and invoice process. Projects can span multiple years between design and construction monitoring so keeping tabs on project health and accurate invoicing is imperative.

The company engaged Heidi Seal to support the migration and training to Projectworks

Finding the right solution:

“We needed a robust platform that ensures that our invoicing can be done clearly, without confusion. Projectworks made this straight forward and month end is a very simple process”

“The changeover needed to be done in a tight timeframe and was smoother than expected. With some base training and a few queries wewere able to be underway and independent very quickly....”

“Having clear project health metrics front and centre, visible and visual and clearly accessible in real time is so important to our profitability. There are aspects of Projectworks we are still yet to implement in the business, but it’s great knowing it is there to use when we are ready.”

Before and After:

“Heidi was very supportive and she knew the product well, so she was able to guide us well along the migration process. It was a smooth transition.”

“One major win was the invoicing function. ProjectWorks has made the process easier and thus saves time. For example, invoices can be emailed out as a batch or group, which is very useful as long as the invoices are prepared properly. Checking the invoice status is also easier (e.g. unpaid, overdue or paid)..”

“ I consider Projectworks is the right fit for us as a mainly time-based business. Heidi is great, knowledgeable, and responsive, who understands our type of business and finds the right product to suit our needs. Highly recommended.”

Thorne has Achieved the Following in their Changeover:

  • A successful data migration of all project history and open project WIP – within a tight timeframe

  • A team confident in using Projectworks – there were really no causes for stress or feeling unsure once we were live

  • No interruption to the cash cycle of invoicing – this was key to ensure that nothing skipped a beat

  • Greater reporting capabilities within the platform to be able to gather strong insights into project performance and business-wide metrics

Read more about Focus Engineering Consultants on their website:


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