Maximising Profit vs Overwhelmed and Busy?
One of the things I hear all the time from business owners is that the business is growing and there is a lot of “activity” happening….but they’re not really sure if they’re making money and where they’re making the money.
They don’t know how to gather their key numbers, understand what they mean and so they have no roadmap to embark on improving their business and optimising their profits. They’re powering on doing what feels best but with no way of measuring success
Hey, look, I get it! Your superpower is visioneering and making $%!* happen! Getting projects underway and getting the cash in the bank! Doing amazing things and powering your business forward!
But don’t get fooled that big amounts of activity and cash flowing in and out of your business means profit.
I know you ultimately want a profitable and sustainable business you enjoy working in.
To make this happen you have robust processes and systems that mean you can understand, measure and improve on all the things that impact your bottom line and beyond.
You may looks like a swan — gliding along the surface, looking like things are calm and going well. Yet underneath the water you are paddling like crazy just to stay afloat. It looks ok but it feels awful and it’s unresourceful.
You could be investing your precious time and energy into the wrong areas. You could be leaking resources and staff time unnecessarily. You could be wasting funds without knowing. You could be turning over lots of cash but not be left with much to show for it at the end
Being profitable is important, but having a sustainable business and a life you enjoy is also important - agreed?
When you are trying to run a business, look after your family, be a great partner, be a friend, do the stuff you need to do at home, it’s really easy to get into overwhelm.
Putting in place robust systems, software and processes means life and business can not only be profitable, it can become sustainable again. Simple and repeatable processes mean you business can scale without breaking. Clear systems and procedures remove you as the bottleneck and allow your staff to get their job done, and be held accountable to a standard. Great software used well gives clear measures of profit and streamlines your use of time. A continuous improvement map gives an action oriented plan that returns time and profit to you and your business…over and over and over again.
If you want to put in place a proven success map to give you the profitable and sustainable business you want, get in touch