Why Systems need to be a TOP priority

1. Systems make your business “boring”….so you focus on the exciting stuff

The business owners I tend to work with have an abundance of ideas, opportunities and projects that they’re rearing to sink their teeth into. 

The problem is, so often they are busy firefighting problems, managing staff, doing the same things over and over or re-working their tasks that there is not enough time to do the “fun” stuff. So much of the time feels like walking through mud rather than taking confident efficient strides towards a goal.

The whole point of good business systems is to take the time to make the repeatable processes so easy and “boring” that you can do one of three things

  1. Delegate it to a staff member or contractor

  2. Reduce mental fatigue by simply “following a system” so that your super-brain power can be reserved for creativity, high level decision making or tricky problem solving

  3. Enjoy greater efficiency and freedom with your time for you and your team by choosing not to reinvent the wheel constantly

No one wants a boring business, but imagine if you could systematise your business that you can have the time, headspace and energy to sink you teeth into those juicy business initiatives or passion projects

2. Systems give accountability for staff and make room for performance nudging conversations

I often hear business owners talking out their frustrations about staff either not doing what they want them to do or not doing it the way they want it done. It’s a big mental drain and time drain.

In reality, if there are not the systems and processes clearly laid out, and easily found, keeping staff accountable is very difficult. Verbal dialogue, telepathic communication, subtle hinting or a “once off run through” is often not enough for staff to know what to do, when to do it, in what order and in what manner. The clearer and more accessible you can make things, the better

The great news is that when you have good systems, processes and SOPs clearly laid out, explained well and accessible you can set standards which staff are then accountable. 

This gives a proactive platform for performance nudging conversations. An example is the SAID framework

Standards - my expectation is…(as outlined in our SOP Hub which you have access here)

Action - but I noticed that….

Impact - the impact is….

Development - what do you need to do to meet my expectation

Are your business systems clear and accessible to support your staff and keep them accountable? There's never a better time to start than today!

3. Systems turn your business from a “job” into an “asset”

A mentor once told me “work once, get paid twice”

Without systems, you will get paid once for every bit of work you do

WITH systems you can get paid TWICE. Once when you do the work, and then when you sell your business

In 2014 I successfully systemised myself out of my business so I could take time off on maternity leave. I set myself free from the daily operations, all while maintaining a healthy profit. I then sold this business in 2015 - it was sold within 3 weeks. One key to achieving both these life changing milestones was the non-urgent but extremely important process of extracting, organising and optimising my business functions - the development of business systems

Systems have a major impact on business value, profitability and saleability. A clever business owner will start working on making this a reality now.

Maybe selling your business isn’t on the short term radar - but the idea of moving from an employee in your own business to having a business you own is appealing

2021 is the year you can make that happen. I’m here to help you fast track that

4. Systems bring order, calm and control

Chaos is found when things are done differently and randomly each time. Chaos is found when no one is sure what the standard is and so shortcuts are common. Chaos is found when every staff member has a different approach and expectation. Chaos is found when processes keep breaking down because there is no clear progression. Chaos is found when there are too many half built bridges and not enough accountability for what is acceptable as finished. Chaos is found when people don’t know what to do, don’t know how to do it and don’t know why it matters. I could go on.

A part of turning this chaos into calm, order and control are great systems

The world of business can be a chaotic place. The last few years sure showed us that. But we can minimise the chaos, and maximise the calm by having great systems. They will not guarantee absolute serenity but they will move you in the right direction without a doubt.

It is not possible to guarantee certainty or sustain absolute calm, but good systems go a long way to make these realities possible. What does your business and life look like if you could increase a sense of order, calm and control?

It can feel overwhelming to make systems a priority. But the reward of it is life changing.

5. Systems help you make productive decisions

Research shows us that we operate best under constraints. Too much freedom can often be disorienting. When the possibilities are endless it can be hard to make productive decisions.

Systems give us frameworks to make decisions. 

Recently with a client we setup purchasing system that set out a rigorous framework for which brands “deserve a place” in her business. She has a vision of being the best in the world in her field, yet so often products that did not fit that vision found their way onto the shop floor - a charismatic sales rep, a shiny object, an enthusiastic staff member, a good price point - there were lots of reasons why these products made it. NOW however each brand and product needs to pass a rigorous test that is 100% aligned with the larger business vision and goals - both from a profit and positioning perspective

There are a million examples of where we can put in place good systems that empower us to make productive decisions. Put in place the framework (it’s not tattooed on you don’t worry you can always adjust as needed) and enjoy the ease that the boundaries give you to make great decisions

SPOILER ALERT : There are more than 5 reasons. Perhaps I’ll delve into more another day

Would you like to have more time to focus on the exciting stuff in business? Would you like to have the framework to have performance nudging conversations with staff? Would you like to experience more order, calm and control? Would you like to sell your business for a great price at some point? Would you like to be freed up to make more productive decisions with ease?

Would you like some help with that?

You don’t have to do it alone. You don’t need to paddle with your hands across rough seas to get to your tropical systematized  island paradise. I’ve got a beautiful boat with a powerful motor that can help you get there faster. 

Book a call and we’ll sort a great plan that works for you


Systems = Love


Maximising Profit vs Overwhelmed and Busy?