Systems = Love

I’m a firm believer that good systems are the foundation for sustainable profit.

I’m also a firm believer that good systems care and support our people - staff and customers.

A long time ago I was on staff at a church. There was a pastoral care team that was responsible for supporting and taking care of the many and varied needs of the people. I wasn’t on that team. I wasn’t naturally the one that people poured out their hearts to for hours on end. I was the organiser, the production lady, the events girl. It made me a bit sad that I wasn’t the “caring type”

Until I realised one day…that in fact I was. Creating order and processes, putting together systems and safeguards, giving training and teaching, implementing policies and procedures was the most loving gift I could give to the people in that congregation. It kept them safe, it gave them secure ways to find help, it created pathways they could walk down to have their needs met, it gave them a framework to approach their anxieties with, it meant they could be supporting in an ongoing rather than one-off way.

Having great systems and processes is an amazing way that we as business owners show LOVE to our people.

It’s no secret that I am a number cruncher with business smarts. But I’m also a huge fan of people , and this is the one of the main reason I am even remotely interested in helping business owners. People matter to me.

A human centered business cares for it’s people - staff and customers - by implementing great systems

Can you recall a time you’ve felt stressed out because the way to find help or solve a problem is ambiguous?

Can you think of when you’ve been reprimanded or made to feel stupid but the way you were “supposed” to do things wasn’t clear?

Have you ever tried to buy from a business but it’s been too hard because there wasn’t a clear pathway for you to follow?

Have you felt stressed and overwhelmed because YOU are the bottleneck in your business and staff and customers need YOU for all their answers?

Does your partner complain that they don’t see you enough because you are too busy doing doing doing all the work the business demands of you?

I get it! Systems and processes take time to develop, they’re not always top of the list. But I’m telling you, not only do they give room for flow, momentum and profit - they also are one of your biggest people care and self care strategies.

When you are trying to run a business - keep the cash flowing, respond to all your emails, keep projects on track and do all the stuff you need to do to keep everyone on track…it sometimes feels easier to do it yourself so you can tick that box rather than think about how you can wrap a system around it.

That kind of thinking is a false economy. Yes you got the thing done today, but tomorrow it’s going to need to be done again. The same question will come up. The same wastes will occur. The same thing will need to be sorted by you. It’s time to think about systematizing, outsourcing or delegating. I can help you with that.

Putting in place robust systems, software and processes means the people in your business - staff and customers have a clear and efficient pathway to their problems resolved.

Business can not only be profitable, it can become sustainable again.

Simple and repeatable processes mean you remove you as the bottleneck and allow your staff to get their job done, and be held accountable to a standard. Clear and understandable systems allow you customers to access what they need from your business with the least resistance and greatest satisfaction

This is a part of what we implement when we put in place a continuous improvement map for your business. We develop an action oriented plan that not only returns time and profit to you and your business…over and over and over again….but also cares for and supports your people!

If you want to put in place a proven success map to give you the profitable and sustainable business you want, get in touch .


Process Mapping - Is it REALLY that Valuable?


Why Systems need to be a TOP priority